Elanco employee James with pet Merci
10 May 2022

Pets in Asia: A New Perspective


Posted by: James Chua

As pet ownership increases globally, the rates in China are particularly compelling, estimated to jump from 19 percent of households in 2020 to an estimated 40 percent by 2030. As with any trend, the people behind it tell the story, and pet ownership is no exception. We can clearly see the benefits of having pets in our lives – companionship, an increased ability to cope1 increasing physical activity.2

James Chua, a member of Elanco’s Malaysian marketing team, shares his perspective on the increasing rate of pet ownership across Asia, and how Elanco’s Healthy Purpose connects the dots between work and life.

“Before joining Elanco, I didn’t think much about pets until I noticed a change in a newly retired colleague of mine – he seemed much happier,” said James. “When I asked him how he was maintaining his physical health during post retirement, he beamed a huge smile and said, My golden retriever keeps me active as I walk him every day… and that keeps me healthy, so I can enjoy a long life.  Reflecting back, it seems so simple and obvious, but I’d never seen him so happy. It was a ‘moment that mattered’ for me. When I joined Elanco and began working in the pet health business, I began to truly understand how deeply pets can enrich our lives.”

Just as our pets are taking care of us, we have a responsibility to take care of them too – from meeting their medical needs, to supporting the wider needs of pets in our communities. In a recent Elanco 2022 pet trends survey, 91 percent of pet owners in the United States take their pets to see a veterinarian at least once per year.3 Across Asia, it is much less, due to varying levels of understanding regarding the health needs of pets, coupled with less access to veterinary care. However, this is quickly changing as social media helps to raise awareness of preventive veterinary care needs and options, as well as rapidly expanding veterinary clinics and services.

Through Elanco’s Healthy Purpose, our company’s approach to sustainability, we pledge to “help 40 million more pets receive better care through our work with veterinarians and pet owners.” In Asia, we are delivering on this commitment by supporting veterinary professionals and pet owners to further understand diseases, and gain access to quality veterinary medicines. In many parts of the world, telemedicine was a necessity born out of the pandemic. In Asia, connected digital communications and online shopping has been well established for years, so as pet ownership rates increase, the digital ecosystem plays a critical role in pet healthcare.

1 Elanco | Pet Trends, Pet ownership in Asia | Rakuten Insight and Pets and the Pandemic: a social research snapshot of pets and people in the COVID-19 era – Animal Medicines Australia

2 Elanco | Pet Trends

3 Covid-19 sees rise in stray animal numbers and drop in donations | Free Malaysia Today (FMT)



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